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Edited Special Issue of Journals

  1. Ebert C., Abrahão S., Mani V.S (Eds.) Special Theme on From Idea to Impact: Connecting Research and Practice, IEEE Software 41(3), May/June 2024, IEEE Computer Society. Impact Factor 3.3 (JCR 2022)

  2. Martini A., Wimmer M., Felderer M.,  Abrahão S. (Eds.) Special Issue on Research Trends in Engineering Software-Intensive Systems, Journal of Systems and Software, Impact Factor 2.450, Elsevier, 2022 (to appear).

  3. Abrahão S., De Lara J., Sahraoui H. A., Syriani E. (Eds.) Special Issue on the Best Papers from 23rd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS'20), Software and Systems Modeling, Impact Factor 2.660, Springer 2022.

  4. Yue T., Abrahão S., Zhang (Eds.)  Special Section of the Best Papers from MODELS 2019 (22nd international conference on model driven engineering languages and systems). Software and Systems Modeling 20, pages 1793–1795 (2021), Impact Factor 1.910 (JCR 2020), ISSN: 1619-1366  Springer.

  5. Law E., Abrahão S., (Eds.) Interplay between User Experience Evaluation and System Development. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies  Volume 72, Issue 6, Pages 523-566 (June 2014), Impact Factor 1.293, ISSN: 1071-5819, Elsevier 2014.

  6. Abrahão S., Cachero C.   Cappiello C., Matera M., (Eds.) Quality in New Generation Web Applications. Journal of Web Engineering 11(3): 179-180 (2012), Impact Factor 0.531(JCR 2009), Position: SE 80/93, ISSN: 1540-9589, Rinton Press, USA.

  7. Abrahão S., Juristo N., Law E., Stage J. (Eds.) Interplay between Usability Evaluation and Software Development. Journal of Systems and Software 83 (11): 2015-2018, 2010, Impact Factor 1.340 (JCR 2009), ISSN: 0164-1212, Elsevier.

  8. Abrahão S., Cachero C., Matera M. (Eds.) Web Usability and Accessibility. Journal of Web Engineering Vol. 7, No. 4, 2008, Impact Factor 0.531(JCR 2009), Position: SE 80/93, ISSN: 1540-9589, Rinton Press, USA.

Refereed Journal Publications

  1. Liebel G., Klünder J., Hebig R., Lazik C., Nunes I., Graßl I., Steghöfer J-P, Exelmans J., Oertel J., Marquardt K., Juhnke K., Schneider K., Gren L., Happe L., Herrmann M. Wyrich M., Tichy M., Goulão M., Wohlrab R., Kalantari R., Heinrich R., Greiner S., Rukmono A. D., Chakraborty S., Abrahão S., Amaral V. Human Factors in Model-Driven Engineering, Software and Systems Modeling, Springer, 2024.

  2. Staron M., Abrahão S., Lewis G., Muccini M. and Honnenahalli C. Bringing Software Engineering Discipline to the Development of AI-enabled Systems, IEEE Software 41(5), 2024, Impact Factor 3.3 – JCR 2022.

  3. Kienzle J., Zschaler S., Barnett W., Sağlam T., Bucchiarone A., Abrahão S., Syriani E., Kolovos D., Lethbridge T., Mustafiz S., Meacham S. Requirements for Modelling Tools for Teaching, Software and Systems Modeling, Springer, 2024.

  4. Staron M., Abrahão S., Penzenstaler B. and Serebrenik A. Human Aspects and Security in Software Development, IEEE Software 41(4): 171-174 (2024), Impact Factor 3.3 – JCR 2022.

  5. Ebert C., Abrahao S., Mani V. S. From Idea to Impact: Survival Guide for Successful Products, IEEE Software 41(3): 20-25 (2024), Impact Factor 3.3 – JCR 2022.

  6. Abrahão S., Miroslaw S., Insfran E., Muccini H. Modeling and Architecting of Complex Software Systems, IEEE Software 41(3): 76-79 (2024). Impact Factor 3.3 – JCR 2022.

  7. Staron M., Abrahão S., Gay G., and Serebrenik A. Testing, Debugging and Log Analysis with Modern AI Tools, IEEE Software 41 (2), March/April 2024, pp. 99-102. Impact Factor 3.3 – JCR 2022.

  8. Abrahão S., Miroslaw S., Baldassarre M. T.. Horkoff J., Penzenstadler B., Ralph P., Serebrenik A. Research Highlights in Evidence-Based Software Engineering, IEEE Software 41 (1), January/February, 2024,pp. 133-136. Impact Factor 3.3 – JCR 2022.

  9. Cano-Genoves C., Insfran E., Abrahão S. VeGAn-Tool: A Fuzzy-logic Approach for Value-based Goal Model Analysis, Original Software Publication track, Special Issue on MODELS 2022 tool track, Original Software Publication track of the Science of Computer Programming Journal, Elsevier, July 2023. Impact factor 1.3 – JCR 2022.

  10. Abrahão S., Staron M., Serebrenik A., Penzenstadler B., Prikladnicki R., Muccini H. Focusing on Developers in the Era of AI and ML, IEEE Software 40(6): 126-129, November/December Issue, Impact Factor 3.3 - JCR 2022.

  11. Staron M., Abrahão S., Honnenahalli C., and Horkoff J. Privacy, Security, Soft Requirements and Flaky Tests, IEEE Software 40 (5): 117-120, September/October Issue, Impact Factor 3.3 – JCR 2022.

  12. Abrahão S., Staron M., Serebrenik A., Penzenstadler B., Capilla R. Open Source Software: Communities and Quality, IEEE Software 40(4): 96-99, July/August 2023, DOI:  10.1109/MS.2023.3270779, Impact Factor 3.3 – JCR 2022.

  13. Penzenstadler B., Staron M., Abrahão S., Hochstein L.  AI, Tech, Energy, and Collaboration, IEEE Software 40(3): 80-83 (2023), Impact Factor 3.3 – JCR 2022.

  14. Marin-Garcia J. A., González-Ladrón-de-Guevara F., Garcia-Ortega B., Santandreu-Mascarell C., Atarés, L. Aznar-Mas L. E., Fernandez Diego M., Insfran E., , & Juarez-Tarraga A. (2023). Protocol paper: Needs Analysis for the Development of Innovation Competence in Higher Education Remote Learning Environments. WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management 14(2), 76–100.

  15. Staron M., Abrahão S., Penzenstadler B., Hochstein L. Recent Research Into Infrastructure as Code, IEEE Software 40(1): 86-88 (2023), Impact Factor 3.3 – JCR 2022.

  16. Penzenstadler B., Abrahão S., Staron M., Serebrenik A., Carver J. C., Hochstein L. Bots in Software Engineering, IEEE Software 39(5): 101-104, September/October 2022,  Impact Factor 3.3 – JCR 2022.

  17. Cedillo P.,Insfran E., Abrahão S. Monitoring Cloud Services through Models at Runtime: A Case in an Ambient Assisted Living Environment, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 21, no. 4 (October 2022), pp. 4:1-19, doi:10.5381/jot.2022.21.4.a1.

  18. Penzenstadler B., Abrahão S., Staron M., Carver J., and Hochstein L. Software Design Trends Supporting Multi-Concern Assurance, IEEE Software 39(4): 84-86, July/August 2022,  Impact Factor 3.3 – JCR 2022.

  19. Abrahão S., Insfran E., Sluÿters A., Vanderdonckt J. Model-based Intelligent User Interface Adaptation: Challenges and Future Directions, Software and Systems Modeling, July 2021,, Impact Factor 1.876 – JCR 2019, Position = 45/108 (Computer Science/Software Engineering), Q2.

  20. Carver J., Abrahão S., Penzenstadler B.  Extracting Requirements and Modeling Information and Controlling Risk, IEEE Software, Volume: 38, Issue: 3, May-June 2021, pp.  121 – 124. Impact Factor 2.589 – JCR 2019.

  21. Cedillo P., Insfran E., Abrahão S., Vanderdonckt J. Empirical Evaluation of a Method for Monitoring Cloud Services based on Models at Runtime, IEEE Access Vol. 9 (2021) 131461-131498, Impact Factor 3.745 (JCR 2019) (Q1), 2020. 
  22. Guerrón X., Abrahão S., Insfran E., Fernández-Diego, M., González-Ladrón-de-Guevara, F. A taxonomy of quality metrics for cloud services, IEEE Access Vol. 8 (2020) 131461-131498, Impact Factor 3.745 (JCR 2019) (Q1), 2020. 

  23. Fernández-Diego, Méndez E., M., González-Ladrón-de-Guevara, F., Abrahão S., Insfran E. Update on Effort Estimation in Agile Software Development: A Systematic Review, IEEE Access Vol. 8 (2020) 166768-166800, Impact Factor 3.745 (JCR 2019) (Q1), 2020.

  24. Mussbacher G., Combemale B., Kienzle J.,  Abrahão S. Ali, H., Bencomo N., Búr M., Burgueño L., Engels G., Jeanjean P., Jézéquel J-M., Kühn T., Mosser S., Sahraoui H., Syriani E., Varró D., Weyssow M. Opportunities in Intelligent Modeling Assistance, Software and Systems Modeling, Impact Factor 2.660, ISSN: 1619-1366  Springer 2020.

  25. Sandobalín J., Insfran E., Abrahão S. On the Effectiveness of Tools for Supporting Infrastructure as Code: Model-driven versus Code-centric, IEEE Access Vol. 8, pp. 17734 - 17761, 2020, Impact Factor 3.745 (JCR 2019) (Q1), 2020. 

  26. Abrahão S., Insfran E., González-Ladrón-de-Guevara, F., Fernández-Diego, M., Cano-Genoves C., Oliveira R. P. Assessing the effectiveness of goal-oriented modeling languages:  A family of experiments, Information and Software Technology (2019), Impact Factor 2.921 (JCR 2018) (Q1).

  27. Abrahão S., De Marco L., Ferrucci F., Gomez J., Gravino C., Sarro F. Definition and Evaluation of a COSMIC Measurement Procedure for Sizing Web Applications in a Model-Driven Development Environment, Information and Software Technology 104 (2018) 144-161, Impact Factor 2.627 (JCR 2017) (Q1).

  28. Souza E., Moreira A., Araújo J., Abrahão S, Insfran E., Silveira D. S. Comparing Business Value Modeling Methods: A Family of Experiments, Information and Software Technology 104 (2018) 179-193, Impact Factor 2.627 (JCR 2017).

  29. Sandobalín J., Insfran E., Abrahão S. A smart provisioning approach to cloud infrastructure, Journal of Computers, DOI:  10.3966/199115992018122906022, 2018.

  30. Zúñiga-Prieto M.、Rodríguez D., Rodríguez J., Solano L., Insfran E., Abrahão S. IoT-ADL: An ADL for describing cloud IoT applications, Journal of Computers, DOI:  10.3966/199115992018122906026, 2018.

  31. Zuñiga-Prieto M., Gonzalez‐Huerta J., Abrahão S., Insfran E. Dynamic Architecture Reconfiguration Method for Cloud application Architectures, Software: Practice and Experience, Special Issue on Design Methods for Software Architectures in the Service-Oriented Computing and Cloud Paradigms, Vol. 48, Issue 2, February 2018, pages 327–344, Wiley, Impact Factor 1.609 (JCR 2016), Position: SE 45/106 (Q2).

  32. Albuquerque D. L., Cafeo B., Garcia A., Barbosa S., Abrahão S., Ribeiro, A. Quantifying Usability of Domain-Specific Languages: An Empirical Study on Software Maintenance, Journal of Systems and Software 101: 245-259, ISSN: 0164-1212, Elsevier 2015, Impact Factor 1.424 (JCR 2015), Position: SE 24/106 (Q1).

  33. Gonzalez‐Huerta J., Insfran E., Abrahão S., Scanniello G., Validating a Model‐Driven Software Architecture Evaluation Method for Software Product Lines: A Family of Experiments, Information and Software Technology, Vol. 57, pp. 405-429, Elsevier 2013, Impact Factor 1.569 (JCR 2015), Position: SE 16/106 (Q1).

  34. Abrahão S., Gravino C., Insfran E., Scanniello G., Tortora G. Assessing the Effectiveness of Sequence Diagrams in the Comprehension of Software Requirements: Results from a Family of Five Experiments, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 39(3): 327-342, ISSN: 0098-5589, 2013, IEEE Computer Society, Impact Factor 2.29 (JCR 2013), Position: Soft. Eng. (SE) 7/105 (Q1).

  35. Zuñiga M., Cedillo P., González-Huerta J., Insfrán E., Abrahao S. Monitoring Services Quality in the Cloud, ERCIM News 2014, Vol. 99, Special Theme on Software Quality, 2014, pp. 19-20.

  36. Oliveira R. P., Banes D., Gonzalez-Huerta J., Insfran E., Abrahão S., Cohen S., Almeida E. S. Defining and Validating a Feature-Driven Requirements Engineering Approach, Journal of Universal Computer Science 20(5): 666-691, Special Issue: Software Components, Architectures and Reuse, 2014, Impact Factor 0.401 (JCR 2013), Position: CSTM 89/102 (Q4).

  37. Juristo N., Vegas S., Solari M., Abrahão S., Ramos I., A Process for Managing Interaction between Experimenters to Get Useful Similar Replications, Information and Software Technology 55(2): 215-225 (2013), ISBN: 0950-5849, Elsevier, Impact Factor 1.328 (JCR 2013), Position: SE 31/105 (Q2).

  38. Fernández A., Abrahão S., Insfran E., Empirical Validation of a Usability Inspection Method for Model-Driven Web Development, Journal of Systems and Software 86 (2013) 161– 186, ISSN: 0164-1212, Elsevier 2013, Impact Factor 1.245 (JCR 2013), Position: SE 29/102 (Q2).

  39. Montagud S. Abrahão, S., Insfrán E. A Systematic Review of Quality Attributes and Measures for Software Product Lines, Software Quality Journal 20(3-4): 425-486 (2012), Special Issue on Quality Engineering for Software Product Lines, ISSN: 0963-9314, 2012, Springer; Impact Factor 0.854 (JCR 2012), Position: SE 62/104 (Q3).

  40. Abrahão S., González-Huerta J., Insfrán E., Ramos I. Software Evolution in Model-Driven Product Line Engineering, Ercim News 88, pp. 41-42, Special Theme: Evolving Software, January 2012.

  41. Cruz-Lemus J. A., Genero M., Caivano D., Abrahão S., Insfran, E., Carsí J. A. Assessing the Influence of Stereotypes on the Comprehension of UML Sequence Diagrams: A Family of Experiments, Information and Software Technology 53 (12): 1391-1403 (2011), ISBN: 0950-5849, Elsevier, Impact Factor 1.821 (JCR 2009), Position: SE 19/93 (Q1).

  42. Abrahão S., Insfran E., Carsí J. A., Genero M. Evaluating Requirements Modeling Methods based on User Perceptions: A Family of Experiments, Information Sciences 181 (2011) 3356–3378, ISSN: 0020-0255, Elsevier, Impact Factor 2.833 (JCR 2011), Position: Inf. Systems = 9/135 (Q1).

  43. Fernández A., Insfran E., Abrahão S., Usability Evaluation Methods for the Web: A Systematic Mapping Study, Information and Software Technology 53 (2011) 789–817, ISBN 0950-5849, Elsevier, Impact Factor 1.821 (JCR 2009), Position: SE 19/93 (Q1).

  44. Abrahão, S., Gomez, J., Insfran, E., Validating a Size Measure for Effort Estimation in Model-Driven Web Development, Information Sciences 180 (20): 3932-3954, ISSN: 0020-0255, 2010, Elsevier, Impact Factor 3.291 (JCR 2009), Position: Inf. Systems = 6/115 (Q1).

  45. Abrahão S., Poels G. A Family of Experiments to Evaluate a Functional Size Measurement Procedure for Web Applications, Journal of Systems and Software Vol. 82, No. 1, pp. 253-269, 2009, ISSN 0164-1212, Elsevier, Impact Factor 1.290 (JCR 2009), Position: SE 38/93 (Q2).

  46. Blanes D., Insfran E., Abrahão S. A Requirements Engineering Approach for Developing Multi-Agent Systems, International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications Vol. 4, No. 2, 2010, pp. 1-14, ISSN: 1738-9984.

  47. Abrahão S., Poels, G. Experimental Evaluation of an Object-Oriented Function Point Measurement Procedure, Information and Software Technology Vol. 49, No 4, 366-380, 2007, ISBN: 0950-5849, Elsevier, Impact Factor 1.821 (JCR 2009), Position: SE 19/93.

  48. Condori-Fernandez N., Abrahão S., and Pastor O. On the Estimation of Software Functional Size from Requirements Specifications, Journal of Computer Science and Technology Vol. 22 No. 3, 358-370, 2007. Special Issue on Advances in Software Metrics and Software Processes, ISSN: 1000-9000, Springer-Verlag, Impact Factor=0.576 (JCR 2008), Position SE 69/86.

  49. Abrahão S., Poels, G. and Pastor O. A Functional Size Measurement Method for Object-Oriented Conceptual Schemas: Design and Evaluation Issues, Software and System Modeling Vol. 5, No. 1, 48-71, Springer-Verlag, 2005, ISSN: 1619-1366, Impact Factor 1.533 (JCR 2009), Position SE 29/93.

  50. Abrahão S., and Pastor O. Measuring the Functional Size of Web Applications, International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET), Vol. 1, No. 1, 5-16, 2003. Inderscience Enterprises, Ltd., England, ISSN: 1476-1289. 

  51. Pastor O., Abrahão S. M. and Fons J. J. Building E-Commerce Applications from Object-Oriented Conceptual Models, ACM SIGecom Exchanges, Vol. 2, No 2, Spring 2001, 24-32 pp., ISSN: 1551-9031, ACM Press.

  52. Condori-Fernandez N., Abrahão S., and Pastor O. “Functional Size Measurement Procedure based on a Requirements Model: Design and Application. Process and Metrics Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 3, Dec. 2004, pp. 29-37, ISSN: 1698-2029 (in Spanish).

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